Sport is Only Getting Better...

Welcome back to The Sports Road, ladies and gentlemen. Want to know the true beauty behind what technology offers the sports world? Well, to put things simply, it makes both players and fans lives’ SO MUCH EASIER… And this is how – Enjoy!

Here's what we got for ya today:

  • The Future of Cycling

  • Now This is Good…

  • The Canadian Football League: WHAT!?

  • Raheem Sterling is Changing the Game FOREVER

Most Valuable Sports Teams:

Let's get into it!

Flow Like Water…

Look, the last couple months have been HOT! 🥵And we aren’t just talking about the sports-tech scene…

Quite literally, it’s been boiling outside. Unless you’re in the UK, of course 😅

With last month being the hottest ever recorded, it serves as a reminder for sports organisations all across the world.

Now more than ever, player safety has to be monitored and ensured. Holding a key role in the development and future of sport, no one wants to see elite talent go to waste due to issues that could actually have been avoided.

With our favourite games becoming increasingly intense – and by extension, difficult – the risk of issues such as dehydration are only increasing.

Well, with the help of technology, it looks like we’re close to finding a solution…

That’s right. In a partnership struck between the National Cycling League (NCL) and Nix Biosensors, athlete health is changing forever.

This is what we know so far:

  • As part of the partnership, all teams competing in the NCL will be educated on and given access to Nix Biosensors’ information on sweat and hydrations impact on performance.

  • Using the information, it is expected that teams will strategically implement new forms of hydration planning.

  • Equipped with Nix’s hydration bionsensor – an easy-to-use biosensor programmed to track sweat in an effort to tell you when, what, and how much to drink – cyclists will be far better equipped to deal with a variety of health issues.

“We are thrilled to partner with the National Cycling League to advance the safety and performance of their athletes through the power of real-time sweat analysis… At Nix, we look to align with partners who share our values around equity in sport, and who leverage cutting-edge technology that optimises athlete performance.”

Meridith Cass, Nix Biosensors CEO and Founder

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Let’s cut to the chase.

There is NOTHING worse than being really excited for the start of a new season, only for all those feelings to be wiped away by an injury to your star player 😤😤

cough cough Chelsea fans…

And – while being in a different sport – that’s what inspired us to talk about this today. Having loosely already touched on the topic of injury prevention, there’s no better time to talk about this than now! This company could change the game FOREVER!

Don’t believe us? Well, Betterguards was actually picked by the NBA as a startup to take notice of…

That’s right. Being part of the NBA Launchpad program in 2022, the firm has since only gone from strength to strength.

Developing their – appropriately named – BetterGuard technology, a few weeks ago, they won the award for best injury prevention and recovery technology.

Acting similarly to an ankle brace, the product aims to protect athletes joints while allowing complete freedom of movement.

Promising to stabilise an athlete’s ankle, the main technology used is the company’s patented mini piston BG POWER.

Absorbing shock, the system activates immediately following what it perceives to be risky events. Initialising a stabilising effect that – in theory – doesn’t allow you to be put in areas of danger, the technology could significantly help in reducing injury.

We are VERY excited to see what the future for this one holds…

And We’re Live!

It’s that time of the year again… Fantasy Football is BACK!

Bets are made, dreams are full, and people are seriously EXCITED! The issue?

Well, in attempts to get one over your friends, sometimes people choose players who they just don’t know enough about.

With AI, that’s all changing…

WSC Sports. If you haven’t heard of them, the company is one of the best when it comes to AI-powered sport content.

Specialising in the production of real time highlight packages, in partnership with the Canadian Football League (CFL), the two are changing the face of the game.

Delivering real time highlights to the league’s official fantasy platforms, fans will have a chance to engage with the league’s content like never before.

Through analysing each game and automatically creating highlight packages, the game will be able to integrate elements of real life into its programming.

“At WSC Sports, we are constantly evolving, innovating, and discovering new ways to seamlessly incorporate our technology into our partners’ platforms, captivating and elevating their fan communities… We are thrilled to enhance the interactive games of the Canadian Football League and bring fans closer to their favourite players throughout the season.”

Aviv Arnon, Chief Business Development Officer at WSC Sports

With technology becoming more and more of a factor in the industry, the combination of the two could represent the future of fantasy Football.

We Need to Talk About: Raheem Sterling

We’ve spoken about it time and time again, but life after Football is changing…

Let’s be honest. A couple years back – if successful – Footballers’ retirement careers tended to follow a similar path: Manager, coach, or pundit.

From Shaq’s many business ventures, to Ben Foster’s hugely successful Youtube career, today, the opportunities are limitless…

While this next athlete may not have retired, he has DEFINITELY continued the trend of pushing the limits of what may deem socially acceptable as professional athletes.

Launching his very own production agency, Raheem Sterling has brought a new dimension to what a Footballer can achieve outside of the pitch.

“Part of the day job involves a lot of time on sets at video shoots for brands. Over time I was more and more interested in what was going on behind the camera… We’ve got some great projects lined up, with some amazing brands and talent, including Clarks ‘Back To School’ campaign which was a lot of fun to create and shoot. I can’t wait for the world to see what we’ve got up our sleeves.”

Raheem Sterling, Professional Footballer

Having already participated in multiple campaigns aside from Football, Sterling is a big advocate for social change, as well as model.

Whether it be in branded content, music videos, advertising or anything else, Sterling and Carly Cussen – a highly experienced creative director – are planning BIG things…

Stating that entertainment will be put first, if Sterling can excite fans in the same ways he does on the pitch, it is time to be seriously excited 🔥🔥🔥

Quick Bites

Meme of the day

Quote of the day

"Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."

Joe Theismann

Picture of the day

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Chat to ya on Friday! ☮️